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2023 District 1 Holstein Show

2023 District 1 Holstein Show

Pierce County Fairgrounds, Ellsworth, WI • Saturday, June 17

Judge David Hanson

156 head shown (101 heifers, 55 cows)

Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 & under (4)

1. (B&O) Nova Chief Brave-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

2. Marshland Crshabll Bohemian, Marshland Farms, Cushing

3. Delta-Sheen Late Dior-Red, Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

4. Ursa-Grass Cumulus Chloe, Bears Grass Dairy Inc., Augusta

Spring Calf (12)

1. (B&O) Pauly-G Warrior Aria, Paul Grulke, Baldwin

2. Willows-Edge Style Marlo, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

3. Nova Chief Brave-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

4. Miss JP War Balleena-Red, Paul Grulke & Jenna Achterhof, Baldwin

5. Wilows-Edge Alt Maris-Red, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

6. Marshland Crshabll Bohemian, Marshland Farms, Cushing

7. (1JR, JrB&O) Frisle-Vue Hancock Iam Ok, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

8. Hager Hill KD Sugars, Jeremy & Dulcie Anderson, Ellsworth

9. (2JR) Delta-Sheen Late Dior-Red, Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

10. 3Lucky Barbwire Izzy-Red, Clair Pederson, Dresser

Winter Calf (16)

1. (B&O) Redline Jegger Impact, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

2. (1JR) Marshland Jordy Backflo-Red, Whitney Lundgren, Cushing

3. (2JR, JrB&O) East-Colt Boom Janessa-ET, Coltan & Easton Brown & Kaylee Jackson, Barron

4. 3Lucky Moovin Indygo, Clair Pederson, Dresser

5. (3JR) Triple-HH Hancock Cringle, Summer, Brody & Shyanne Hammann, Barron

6. (4JR) East-Colt Boom Jalissa-ET, Coltan & Easton Brown & Jazlynn Olson, Strum

7. Albedarn Warrior Rosane-Red, Albedarned Dairy LLC, Baldwin

8. Nova Delta Lambda Amor-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

9. Albedarn Jordy Lydia-Red, Albedarned Dairy LLC, Baldwin

10. (5JR) Albe-Mace Analyst Tinley, Macy Weyer, Woodville

Fall Calf (20)

1. (1JR) Briccows Doc Paintball, Summer, Brody & Shyanne Hammann, Barron

2. (2JR) Siemers Al Hot 39095-Red-ET, Kaylee Jackson, Barron

3. (3JR, B&O, JrB&O) Triple-HH Showtim Katnip-ET, Summer, Brody & Shyanne Hammann, Barron

4. Hardscrabble War Mianna-Red, Hardscrabble Farms, Jim Falls

5. E-Donk Tatoo Boosch Light, Eric Wachtendonk, Bloomer

6. Macland Okalibur Julie-TW, Brynn Zwiefelhofer, Bloomer

7. (4JR) Southbar Analyst Matilda, Reanna & Raina Cook, Barron

8. (5JR) Southbar Analyst Piper, Reanna & Raina Cook, Barron

9. Alfalawn Warrior Icon-Red, Alfalawn Farm, Menomonie

10. Ms Triple-T Ent Powerful, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

Summer Yearling (14)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Frisle-Vue Mcdonal Shae-Red, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

2. (2JR) Ryla Respect Bea, Coltan & Easton Brown & Jazlynn Olson, Strum

3. (3JR) Frisle-Vue Warri Purity-Red, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

4. (4JR) Willows-Edge War Meeka-Red, Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

5. (5JR) Triple-HH On Point Pep Band, Summer Hamman, Barron

6. Marshland Denver Bridesmaid, Marshland Farms Inc., Cushing

7. Kress-Hill Surrender-Red-ET, Cross-Town Dairy, Ellsworth

8. Willows-Edge Db Partee, Amy Merritt, Menomonie

9. (6JR) Albe-Mak Moovin Bree-Anna, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

10. (7JR) Nova Tatoo Leinenkugle, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

Spring Yearling (13)

1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hamman, Barron

2. Reyncrest Sidekick Carat, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

3. (2JR) Ms East-Colt Ln Rosalie-Red, Coltan & Easton Brown & Kaylee Jackson, Barron

4. (3JR) Vangogh Tats Svetlana, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. Della-Sheen Denver Eclipse, Eric Bechel, Elmwood

6. (4JR) Hawkeye-JK Doc Audrina-ETS, Ben & Brian Styer, Menomonie

7. (5JR) Cook Kinda Moovin Karma, Reanna & Raina Cook, Barron

8. Lakeshore Apple Pie-ET, Eric Wachtendonk, Bloomer

9. Ms Alfalawn Uns Izzy-Red-ET, Alfalawn Farm, Menomonie

10. (6JR) Willows-Edge Unix Masque, Hallie Dorwin, Glenwood City

Winter Yearling (11)

1. Ms Spain Unix Sierra-ET, Eric Wachtendonk, Bloomer

2. (B&O) Redline Tatoo Imperial, Steven Maier, Jim Falls

3. (1JR) Chakelburg Believe Possible, Coltan & Easton Brown & Kaylee Jackson, Barron

4. Albedarn W Layla-Red, Albedarned Dairy LLC, Baldwin

5. Marshland Jordy Backcountry, Marshland Farms Inc., Cushing

6. (2JR) Cross-Town Capt America-Red, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

7. Elkland Dateline Reagan, Todd Quilling, Menomonie

8. Mead-Manor Anlst Ala-Red-ET, Krista Styer, Menomonie

9. Della-Sheen Denver Kiwi, Eric Bechel, Elmwood

10. Hagerhill Admiral Satin, Riley Anderson, Ellsworth

Fall Yearling (11)

1. (B&O) Redline Sidekick Iconic, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

2. Redline Belgin-Red, Steven Maier, Jim Falls

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Albe-Mak Master Pistol, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

4. Southbar War Bella-Red, Paul Knutson, Ridgeland

5. (2JR) Marshland Doorman Belvedere, Macy Johnson, Cushing

6. (3JR) Albedarn Hanley Britney, Lilly Peterson, Baldwin

7. (4JR) Crisdhome Al Tabasco-Red-ET, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

8. (5JR) Tree-Hayven Crush Snap Shot, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

9. Willows-Edge Kdoc Laurie, Thomas & Katie Knegendorf, Spring Valley

10. (6JR) Milksource Admiral Rift, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hamman, Barron

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Briccows Doc Paintball, Summer, Brody & Shyanne Hammann, Barron

Junior Champion of the Show: Redline Sidekick Iconic, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hamman, Barron

Junior Best 3 (1)

1. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls

Summer Junior 2-Year-Old (3)

1. (BU, B&O) Nova Select Showmeoff, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

2. Albedarn Hanley Gemma, Vanessa Achterhof, Baldwin

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Frisle-Vue Unstop Peggy-Red, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Junior 2-Year-Old (4)

1. (BU, B&O) Crisdhome Midnight Minaj, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

2. (1JR) Triple-HH Tatoo Frostbite, Summer, Brody & Shyanne Hammann, Barron

3. Jet-Vue Altitude Atari-TW, Eric Bechel & Tanner & John Schmaling, Elmwood

4. Albe-Jen Warrior Tala, Jenna Achterhof, Wilson

Senior 2-Year-Old (10)

1. (BU) Our-Favorite No Regrets-ET, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

2. (B&O) Our-Favorite Cataclysm-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

3. (1JR) Ms Thundrstorm Electra-ET, Sophia, Stella & Gatlin Kamm, New Richmond

4. Bulldog Sidekick Flame-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

5. (2JR) Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Ben & Brian Styer, Menomonie

6. Sondad Roble 1111, Jason Raymond, New Richmond

7. Redline Ignite, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

8. (3JR) Slattery 873 Tatoo 975, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

9. (4JR) Frisle-Vue Bootylicious-ET, Justyne & Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

10. Discoverys Awesome Paige, Thomas & Katie Knegendorf, Spring Valley

Junior 3-Year-Old (7)

1. (BU) Mayerlane Covid, Jared Taylor, Colfax

2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Della-Sheen Warior Diva-Red, Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

3. (2JR) Triple-HH Warrior Alice, Summer Hammann, Barron

4. Nova Avalanche Escalate-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

5. Crisdhome Octane Ochorios, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

6. (3JR) Fireburger Master Mamie, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

7. Duckett Bremer Exp Pala 941, Amy Merritt, Menomonie

Senior 3-Year-Old (9)

1. (BU, 1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

2. Makamoov Dice Rallie-Red, Paul Grulke & Jenna Achterhof, Baldwin

3. Redline Tatoo Ideal, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

4. Sheeknoll Jordy-R Anabel-ET, Deronda Holsteins, Amery

5. Jim-Dandi Crush Sus, James Hauschildt, Ellsworth

6. (2JR) Marshland Dback Barfly-ET, Macy Johnson, Cushing

7. Della-Sheen Jacoby 291, Eric Bechel, Elmwood

8. Willows-Edge GD Versailles, Brent Brunkhorst, Emerald

9. Kampy Jordy Bingo-Red, Robert Fasbender, Cornell

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Della-Sheen Warior Diva-Red, Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Our-Favorite No Regrets-ET, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

4-Year-Old (10)

1. (BU, B&O) Our-Favorite Valor-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

2. Crisdhome Defiant Getalong, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

3. Redline Devour Ingot, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

4. Our-Favorite Influence-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

5. (1JR) Ali-Star Prime Saige, Makayla Weyer, Baldwin

6. Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

7. Pine-Circle Dman Exclusive, Brie Chandler, Rice Lake

8. Petitclerc Avalanche Syrah-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

9. Sondad Airlift 1048, Jason Raymond, New Richmond

10. Elkland Gold Chip Blaze, Todd Quilling, Menomonie

5-Year-Old (3)

1. Gold-Barbara Diamond Boo-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

2. (BU, B&O) Nova-TMJ Lynrose, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

3. Budjon-Vail Dmnd Bck Sushi, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

6-Year-Old and Older (6)

1. (BU, B&O) Our-Favorite Unleashed-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

2. Our-Favorite Enshrine-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

3. Timlynn Goldsun Adore, Frank & Mitchell Thompson, Spring Valley

4. Duckett Octane Talisa-ET, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

5. Nova Olympian Abilou-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

6. (1JR) Errolea Doorman Baltimore, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

150,000 lb. Cow (3)

1. (BU, B&O) Our-Favorite Endless-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

2. Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

3. Frisle-Vue Goldsun Ipod-ET, Allissa Frisle, Prairie Farm

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

Senior & Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Ali-Star Prime Saige, Makayla Weyer, Baldwin

Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Errolea Doorman Baltimore, Derek, Landon & Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

Senior & Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Our-Favorite Valor-ET, Todd & Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Defiant Getalong, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

Best Three Females (1)

1. Our Favorite, Fall Creek

Produce of Dam (3)

1. Our Favorite, Fall Creek

2. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls

3. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls

Dam & Offspring (3)

1. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls

2. Braeden Bechel, Elmwood

3. Summer Hammann, Barron

Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Our Favorite Holsteins, Fall Creek


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