Sponsorship Opportunities
Below is a listing of sponsorship opportunities. If you are interested in a sponsorship tailored to your business, click on the download form and submit to the Wisconsin Holstein Association, 902 Eighth Ave., Baraboo, WI 53913 or call EmmaRae Brown, Director of Marketing and Membership, at 800-223-4269 ext. 3 to learn more about our sponsorship opportunities.
Support Levels

Holstein Enthusiast
$4,000 or more
Logo on WHA sponsor banner that will appear at all Wisconsin Holstein Association events
Banner ad on main page of website and listing on website; if sponsoring an event, ad will appear on that web page
Up to $1000 in advertising credit for the Wisconsin Holstein News and subscription to the publication
Sponsor feature in Wisconsin Holstein News and on social media
Recognition at sponsored event

Platinum Support
$2,500 to $3,999
Logo on WHA sponsor banner that will appear at all Wisconsin Holstein Association events
Banner ad on main page of website and listing on website; if sponsoring an event, ad will appear on that web page
Up to $500 in advertising credit for the Wisconsin Holstein News and subscription to the publication
Recognition at sponsored event

Gold Support
$1,000 to $2,499
Logo on WHA sponsor banner that will appear at all Wisconsin Holstein Association events
Listing on website sponsor page; if sponsoring an event, listing will appear there
Up to $250 in advertising credit for the Wisconsin Holstein News and subscription to the publication
Recognition at sponsored event

Silver Support
$250 to $999
Logo on WHA sponsor banner that will appear at all Wisconsin Holstein Association events
Listing on website sponsor page; if sponsoring an event, listing will appear there
Recognition at sponsored event

Bronze Support
Up to $250
Recognition on WHA sponsor banner that will appear at all Wisconsin Holstein Association events
Recognition at sponsored event
Meet the sponsors who help make so many things possible. We encourage you to patronize these businesses to show support for them since they do such much to support our association.
Looking for breeder sponsorship opportunities?
Are you a breeder looking to support our association? Contact EmmaRae Brown at emmaraeb@wisholsteins.com for more information.