2016 District 3 Show
Grant County Fairgrounds • Lancaster, WI Judge: Brandon Ferry 223 head shown (139 heifers and 84 cows)
Spring Calf (10 & Under) (12 shown)
1. BO Kamps-Hollow Algelice, Jordyn KampsBelmont
2. 1JR, JrBO Kamps-Hopeful HaiJ, ordyn A Kamps,Kyra R & Kenzie M Danz, Barneveld
3. 2JR Weigland Mario Arniejo, K, K, K, D, B & B Weigel, Platteville
4. 3JR Moorclose Blake Wednesday, Madison, McKenzie, & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
5. Hauve Advt Drew-Red-ET, Jason & Leah James, Mineral Point
6. Nobland Beemer Buckle, Dennis J. Noble, Lancaster
7. 4JR Fustead Doorman Emalyn-ET, Payton, Morgan & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City
8. Miss To Hot 2 Trot-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
9. Gildale Armani Beauty, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
10. Sylvan-T Mvp Eliza, Sylvan-T Farms, Inc., Richland Center
Spring Calf (14 shown)
1. BO Kamps-Rx Doorman Lilliana, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
2. Kamps-Hollow Algelice, Jordyn Kamps, Belmont
3. Swanee-Lee A Lap Dance-ET, Jason Swanson, Capron, IL
4. 1JR, JrBO Kamps-Hopeful Hai, Jordyn A Kamps,Kyra R & Kenzie M Danz, Barneveld
5. MS Pine-Valley D Sheba-ET, Jason & Leah James and Londa Johnson, Mineral Point
6. 2JR Windy-Valley Chrome Diamond, Adrianna M. Lau, Shullsburg
7. Swanee-Lee Razzle Dazzle, Jason Swanson, Capron, IL
8. 3JR Weigland Mario Arniejo, K, K, K, D, B & B Weigel, Platteville
9. 4JR Mound-Farm Gchip Haven, Emma M Buss, Platteville
10. Swanee-Lee A Dizzy Dame-Red, Linda Swanson, Capron, IL
Winter Heifer Calf (24 shown)
1. 1JR Meyervilla A Sparkle Ray-ET, Kenadee Weigel, Platteville
2. OCD Doorman Senora-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee, & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
3. Kamps-Hollow Telly-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
4. B&O Moorclose Kingboy Tatiana, William H. Calvert, Cuba City
5. Gildale Atwood Pathfinder, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
6. Gildale Sid Bibbidy, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
7. GBM Grants Atw Ava, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
8. Sylvan-T Impression Kid, Sylvan-T Farms, Inc., Richland Center
9. Moorclose Brokaw Siri, William H. Calvert, Cuba City
10. Windy-Valley Brokaw Beauty, Amy Ruegsegger, Shullsburg
2JR. Hartleys Latroy Libby, Emma & Natalie Jo Giddings, Soldiers Grove
JrBO. Nobland Mario Bling Bling, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
Fall Heifer Calf (35 shown)
1. 1JR, BO, JrBO Kamps-Hollow Antarctica-ET, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
2. Kamps-Hollow Trisha-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
3. Glenmar-Dale Brady Corona, Becky L. Brown, Fennimore
4. 2JR Lookout Lady Dior, Ethan & Emily Weier, Dodgeville
5. Crescentmead Rhianna-ET, Madison Stumpf, Dodgeville
6. 3JR Weigland Doorman Adagirl-ET, Kaelyn Weigel, Platteville
7. Kamps-Hollow Indiana, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
8. Gbm Sanchez Glamour, Gregory & Kimberly Moret, Prairie du Chien
9. Hi-Lo-Valley Daisy Duke, Amber Yager, Highland
10. 4JR Weigland Beemer Andisue, K,K,K,D,B,&B Wiegel, Platteville
Summer Yearling Heifer (19 shown)
1. BO St-Yle-Sa Kylie-Red, Stephanie Aves, Belmont
2. GBM Beemer Jillyn-ET, Greg & Kimberly & Kayla Moret, Prairie du Chien
3. JR Fast-Track Aftershock Bree, Leane Dammen & Jason M Richardson, South Wayne
4. 2JR Tombeth G-D Esadreams-ET, Sarah R. Kearns, Gays Mills
5. Wiscit Golden Dreams Betsy, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
6. Sunny-Valley Tornado-Red-ET, Wayne R. DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
7. 3JR Oakfield Gc Tandy-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
8. 4JR Weigland Gdreams Aneeta-ET, Kaelyn Weigel, Platteville
9. 5JR Nobland Defiant Erica-Red, Ainsley A Noble, Lancaster
10. BCS-Genetics Doorman Annex, BCS-Genetics, Lancaster
JrBO Moorclose Brokaw Macie, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Spring Yearling Heifer (15 shown)
1. BO Hopeful Gold Award, Kyra R & Kenzie M Danz, Barneveld
2. 1JR Weigland Atwood Amylyn-ET, K, K, K, D, B & B Weigel, Platteville
3. 2JR, JrBO Jas-K Capgain Tisha-Red-E, TJason Kearns, Gays Mills
4. Stone-Front Practical-ET, Klassy-K Genetics, Lancaster
5. 3JR Jas-K W-Brook Esabrook-ET, Sarah R. Kearns, Gays Mills
6. Calbrett Sid Savannah-ET, Levi Martin, Platteville
7. Sunny-Valley Mguci Fancy-ET, Wayne R. DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
8. 4JR Lindale Sammy Melia, Payton, Morgan & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City
9. 5JR Mound-Farm Formost Hailey, Emma M Buss, Platteville
10. Wiscit Addiction Kenya-Red, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
Winter Yearling Heifer (10 shown)
1. Charpentier Mccutchen Sariette, Jason A. Swanson, Capron, IL
2. BO Kamps-Hollow Regin Jodee-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
3. 1JR Moorclose Fever Windsor, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
4. Dream-Prairie Mc Azalee, Austin Yager, Highland
5. Kamps-Hollow Regina Java-ETR, eggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
6. Hopeful Defiant Is Amazing, Kyra R & Kenzie M Danz, Barneveld
7. Voigtscrest Dickey Soar, Larry M. & Kim Voigts, Platteville
8. 2JR Hartleys Shottle Onica, Emma M & Natalie Jo Giddings, Soldiers Grove
9. Wiscit G W Atwood Jenna, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
10. Holbric Glden Dreams Serina, Andy & Lynette Buttles, Lancaster
Fall Yearling Heifer (10 shown)
1. BOGildale Atwood Twlight, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
2. Ma-Brown Dickey Arianne, Danielle Brown, Dodgeville
3. 1JR Weigland Golden Dreams Kuhn, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
4. 2JR, JrBO Kamps-Hollow A-Glory-Red, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
5. Ms Apple Kb Ateka-ET, Aric Dieter, Edgerton
6. Go-For-Broke Air Topanga, Michael Brokish, ,Dodgeville
7. Hi-Lo-Valley Atwood Leonora, Austin Yager, Highland
8. Davidsonview Fever Demorne, Tessa Markart, Arena
9. 3JR Nobland Apple J Hustle-Red, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
10. Ms Pv Mb Gc Jitter Bug-ET, Sean Brown & Jessica Rae James, Mineral Point
Junior Champion of the Jr & Open Show Kamps-Hollow Antarctica-ET, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
Reserve Junior Champion of Jr & Open Show Meyervilla A Sparkle Ray-ET, Kenadee Weigel, Platteville
Junior Best Three Females (7 shown) 1. Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington 2. GBM Holsteins, Prairie du Chien 3. Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale 4. Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie 5. Moorclose Holsteins, Cuba City 6. Hartleys Holsteins, Soldiers Grove 7. Go-For-Broke, Dodgeville
Junior Two-Year-Old (12 shown)
1. 1JR, BO, BU Moorclose Atwood Wren, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
2. Gildale Atwood Barbo, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. 2JR, JrBO Kamps-Hollow Hadley, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
4. Hi-Lo-Valley-DB Hazel-ET, Dennis Bowers & Hi-Lo Valley Holsteins, Highland
5. Hi-Lo-Valley Petals-ET, Alyssa Yager, Highland
6. Dream-Prairie Atwood Rox-ET, Sarah R. Kearns, Gays Mills
7. Wildweed Lars Krave-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
8. Luck-E Guthrie Tease-ET, Jason A. Swanson, Capron, IL
9. Ma-Brown Atwood Beegee, Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville
10. Holbric McCutchen Asset, V.N. Nodolf, M Shelnutt, & Addison Goldenberg, Belmont
Senior Two-Year-Old (13 shown)
1. BO, BU Wiscit Sanchez Secret, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
2. 1JR Lookout Bradnick Laurie, Ethan & Emliy Weier, Dodgeville
3. Jacobs Gold Chip Anabel-ET, Ethan & Emily Weier, Dodgeville
4. Scientific D Celia Rae-ET, SRyan Kamps, Belmont
5. Hi-Lo-Valley Zel Pantene, Alyssa Yager, Highland
6. Voigtscrest Sphinx-Red, Larry M. & Kim Voigts, Platteville
7. Ruby-D Destry Rollo-Red, Aric Dieter, Edgerton
8. Milksource Ast Kiara-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
9. 2JR, JrBO Go-For-Broke At Disney-ET, Kari M. Brokish, Dodgeville
10. 3JR Dream-Prairie Drmn Bonus, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Junior Three-Year-Old (9 shown)
1. BO, BU, Prod. Hi-Lo-Valley Seaver Hula, Amber Yager, Highland
2. Twin-Val Aft-Shock Alex, Joe Thiel, Darlington
3. GBM KAM Atw Emerald, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
4. 1JR, JrBO Kamps-Hollow Haru, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
5. Gildale Absolute Mercy-Red, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
6. 2JR Moorclose Goldfsh Sweettart, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
7. Mound-Farm Guthrie Rosalyn, Bradley L. Buss, Platteville
8. Nodolfland Advent Niche-Red, Victoria Nodolf, Belmont
9. Ms Pv Mb Gold Chip Jada-ET, Sean Brown & Jessica Rae James, Dodgeville
Senior Three-Year-Old (17 shown)
1. BO KHW Ladd Arrested-ET, High Altitude Syndicate, Platteville
2. BU Oppride Windbrook Famous, William J. Oppriecht, Eastman
3. 1JR Gundys Brendal Audra, Leane Dammen & Jason Richardson, South Wayne
4. Eastside Brady Caramel, Victoria Nodolf, Belmont
5. 2JR Nobland Goldsun Bling, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
6. Hoch-Niedrig Glsn L.Golden, Clifford M. & Peggy Sue Jones, Arena
7. 3JR Ms Moorclose Goldsn Frenchi, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
8. Milksource Jordan Nala-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
9. Pine-Valley P Tazer 800-Red, Jason & Leah James, Mineral Point
10. Gildale Goldsun Kitty, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
Prod. Weigland Braxton Arissa-ET, Ryan & Troy Weigel, Platteville
Intermediate Champion - Junior Show Moorclose Atwood Wren, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Junior Show Gundys Brendal Audra, Leane Dammen & Jason M Richardson, South Wayne
Intermediate Champion - Open Show Moorclose Atwood Wren, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Reserve Intermediate Champion - Open Show Hi-Lo-Valley Seaver Hula, Amber Yager, Highland
Four-Year-Old (11 shown)
1. BO, BU Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
2. Stone-Front Dickey Recall, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
3. Gildale Aftershock Maria, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
4. 1JR Hardwood Sid Mardella, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
5. Oppride Shottle Faith-ET, William J. Oppriecht, Eastman
6. Moorclose Reginald Fancy, William H. Calvert, Cuba City
7. Twin-Val G-Chip Tiffany, Joe Thiel, Darlington
8. KHW Damion Granny Smith, High Altitude Syndicate, Platteville
9. 2JR Hi-Line-Haven Brokaw Sox, Adrianna M. Lau, Shullsburg
10. 3JR Nobland Fever Barbie, Ainsely, Macie, & Drew Noble, Lancaster
Five-Year-Old (4 shown)
1. 1JR, BU Bobasyl Goldwyn Angelina, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills
2. BO Gildale Goldwyn Bella-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. 2JR, Prod. Hi-Line-Haven Sens Dazzle, Adrianna M. Lau, Shullsburg
4. 3JR Go-For-Broke San Joyce-ET, Jacob A & Kari M Brokish, Dodgeville
Six-Year-Old & Older (3 shown)
1. BO, BU St-Yle-Sa Kenzee-Red, Stephanie Aves, Belmont
2. KHW Shottle Aftershow-ET, High Altitude Syndicate, Belmont
3. 1JR Dajeda Advent Wonder-Red, Leane Dammen & Jason M Richardson, South Wayne
150,000 lb. Cow (5 shown)
1. BO, BU Glenmar-Dale R Serenity-Red, Becky L. Brown, Fennimore
2. Miss Ad Gbm Mayday-ET, Gregory & Kimberly Moret, Prairie du Chien
3. Hi-Lo-Valley Pronto Hilda, Amber Yager, Highland
4. Prod. Moorclose Gold Wyoming-ET, William H. Calvert, Cuba City
5. GBM Kam Goldwyn Lucky-ET, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
Bred & Owned of the Junior Show Go-For-Broke At Disney-ET, Kari Brokish, Dodgeville
Senior Champion of the Junior Show Hardwood Sid Mardella, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show Bobasyl Goldwyn Angelina, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills
Grand Champion of the Junior Show Moorclose Atwood Wren, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show Hardwood Sid Mardella, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
Senior Champion of the Open Show Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Reserve Senior Champion of the Open Show Glenmar-Dale R Serenity-Red, Becky L. Brown, Fennimore
Grand Champion of the Open Show Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Reserve Grand Champion of the Open Show Moorclose Atwood Wren, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City

Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of District 3 Show
Best Udder of the Show and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Best Three Females (3 shown) 1. KHW Genetics 2. Hi-Lo Valley 3. Moorclose
Produce of Dam (3 shown) 1. KHW Genetics 2. Kamps-Rx 3. Wayne Debur
Dam & Offspring (5 shown) 1. Hi-Lo Valley 2. Stephanie Aves 3. Gildale Holsteins 4. Adrianna Lau 5. Go-For-Broke
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Gildale Holsteins