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2021 Wisconsin Junior State Fair

Friday, August 6 & Saturday, August 7

Judge: Keith Topp

Holstein Show

(320 total head - 27 cows; 178 calves; 115 yearlings)

Junior 2-Year-Old (9)

1. (B&O) Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

2. Ragnar King Doc Angel, Clarissa Ulness, Valders

3. Triple-HH Aristo Breathmint, Summer Hammann, Barron

4. Lars-Acres D Lombardi-ET, Luke Trustem, Evansville

5. Moorclose Tatoo Stryker, Ian Schwartzlo, Monticello

6. Mayerlane Tatted Cat, Frederick Ullom, Bloomer

7. CDF-W Solomon Attraction, Mason Witscher, Barron

8. Two-Tone Addison Addie, Tahmara Hendrickson, Viroqua

9. Seitz-On Defiant Audrey, Morgan Seitz, Seymour

Senior 2-Year-Old (4)

1. Smilaire Bliss, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

2. (B&O) Carlaton Diamondback Raven, Deagen Sandelier, Loyal

3. Welcome-Tel Brennan Riot, Evan Martin, Janesville

4. Luck-E Crushs Angie, Colby Hasheider, Sauk City

Junior 3-Year-Old (3)

1. River-Crest Hammertime 1049, Kayla Bremmer, Loyal

2. (B&O) K-Meadow Diamndbck Fantasia, Melissa Konkel, Elkhorn

3. Indianhead Crsh Times-Up-ET, Ethan Witscher, Barron

Senior 3-Year-Old (3)

1. Siemers KR Hanker 28512-ET, Lauren Siemers, Kiel

2. Marinex Diamondback Willow, Matthew Gunst, Hartford

3. How-Law Defender Raindrop, Dana Johnson, Tomah

4-Year-Old (6)

1. Sabofarm Beemer Jasmine, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

2. Maple-Downs Andriana, Ian Schwartzlow, Monticello

3. Lars-Acres Airlift Fareway, Luke Trustem, Evansville

4. Thorgy-Way Byway Dum Dum, Jenna Thorgerson, Sheldon

5. (Prod) Valley Drive Jacoby Tarawa, Emily Stumpf, Appleton

6. Ovina Flagship Jeep-ET, Connor Seitz, Seymour

5-Year-Old (1)

1. Milgene Jezabel Blk Diamond, Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford

6-Year-Old and Older (1)

1. Luck-E Anahiem Airforce-ET, Emma Vos, Maribel

Grand Champion Cow: Siemers KR Hanker 28512-ET, Lauren Siemers, Kiel

Reserve Grand Champion Cow: Sabofarm Beemer Jasmine, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

Champion Bred & Owned Cow: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Cow: Carlaton Diamondback Raven, Deagen Sandelier, Loyal

Spring Calves, Group 1 (13)

1. (B&O) Vandoskes Denver Carmen-ET, Brianne Vandoske, Cleveland

2. A-B-Royal Thunder N October, Ethan Staudinger, Reedsville

3. Triple-HH Ralf Ring A Bell, Summer Hammann, Barron

4. Straussdale Alongside Luna, Emily Strauss, Lake Mills

5. Ryan-Vu D-Lambda Roster, Trent Schlender, Watertown

6. Jac-O-Land Butterfly, Gabriella Salas, Waterford

7. Miesens Tatoo Knockout, Bridgett Miesen, Belmont

8. Synergy Delta-Lambda Millie, Emma Jarvey, Sobieski

9. Alfalawn Escape 11124, Brian Styer, Menomonie

10. Northcrest Warrior Fara, Marissa Spoke, Waterloo

Spring Calves, Group 2 (15)

1. Redcarpet Warrior Missouri-ET, Dylan Ryan, Fond du Lac

2. Kreigel Denver Destiny, Mallory Nifong, Orfordville

3. Ragnar Sidekick Brielle, Whitney Ulness, Valders

4. (B&O) Ragnar Lambda Angel Eyes, Clarissa Ulness, Valders

5. Golden-Oaks Doc Magic-ET, Garrett Ulness, Valders

6. Gaedtke Unix Tiki-ET, Jadelyn Kroll, Luxemburg

7. Digangi Jaire Goldie, Mya Digangi, Jackson

8. West-Spring Slsa 5145, Hannah Hockerman, Westfield

9. Dutchpond Undenied Chloe, Keyanna Mentink, Oostburg

10. Glenn-Ann Phavorite, Paige Sweatt, Dane

Winter Calves, Group 1 (20)

1. (B&O) Genterraetion Re-Charge, Levi Nelson, Ellsworth

2. Samway Unix Acapella, Justin Giese, Edgar

3. Walk-Era Sidekick Maisley, Sarah Hagenow, Poynette

4. Marshland Alligator Brutal, Levi Johnson, Cushing

5. Briccows Jordy Almighty-Red, Jacob Harbaugh, Marion

6. Hobby-Hill Radio Georgie, Kayla Trustem, Evansville

7. Lars-Acres DJ Fruit Punch, Luke Trustem, Evansville

8. DLK-Acres Vibrato Sweetie, Ella Schultz, Janesville

9. Crisdhome Denver Blankspace, Claudia Lenz, Star Prairie

10. Schuh-Vu Neon Camryn-TW, Joseph Schuh, Seymour

Winter Calves, Group 2 (20)

1. (B&O) Landstad Warrior Hazard, Hailey Zernicke, Bonduel

2. Floydholm Kdoc Egypt-ET, Ashlyn Sarbacker, Edgerton

3. Lars-Acres Denver Classy-ET, Ellie Larson, Evansville

4. Mell-View Tstorm Dolly, Rebecca Murphy, Poynette

5. Berryridge Drman Eleanor-ET, Eliza Endres, Waunakee

6. Lars-Acres Denver Chanae-ET, Dewayna Kayser, Milton

7. Just-R-Mess Select Spirit, Leah Mess, Rosendale

8. Hasheiders Bflip Agnes, Libby Hasheider, Sauk City

9. Frisle-Vue Vic Priceless-ET, Maddie Harren, Prairie Farm

10. Bur-Wall Dnver Credit Limit, Abby Klenz, Milton

Winter Calves, Group 3 (17)

1. Crave Upgrade 13435, Sara Skalitzky, Waterloo

2. (B&O) Diamondhead Master Sierra, Jared Greidanus, Delavan

3. Frisle-Vue Diamondback Bootylicious-ET, Justyne Frisle, Prairie Farm

4. How-Law Duke Kelly, Kyla Johnson, Tomah

5. Tree-Hayven Analyst Brandy, Grace Hensel, Pittsville

6. Mellow-Brook Altitude Amari, Levi Nelson, Ellsworth

7. KHW Belmont Abbylynn, Delaney Kamps, Belmont

8. Dunn-Brook Denver Madeulook, Ella Moen, Almena

9. Hi-Lo-Valley High Oct Linda, Lyndsey Roum, Highland

10. Thorgy-Way Garth Jinglebell, Erin Torgerson, Viroqua

Winter Calves, Group 4 (22)

1. Kamps-Rx AppleB Alondra, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

2. Le-O-La Altitude Callie-ET, Abigail Ard, Pulaski

3. Floydholm Kdoc Ellarose-ET, Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

4. (B&O) Pine-Haven Master Winter, Owen Chelminiak, Delavan

5. Lars-Acres Dnvr Colorado-ET, Jenna Kudrna, Janesville

6. Weigland Chief Alexella-ET, Kaelyn Weigel, Platteville

7. B-Long Thriller, Hunter Guilette, Casco

8. Betley Tatoo Alexa, Jacob Betley, Pulaski

9. Synergy Hanford Averie, Elena Jarvey, Sobieski

10. Wildpfaffs Skik Lemonade-ET, Brady Blaken, Melrose

Fall Calves, Group 1 (23)

1. Tree-Hayven Doc Josephine, Hannah Hensel, Pittsville

2. Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Benjamin Styer, Menomonie

3. Budjon-Vail S Dotty West-ET, Emma Paulson, Columbus

4. Vir-Clar Doc 6009, Colton Grinstead, Fond du Lac

5. River-Divide Addison Bailee, Julia Searls, Cobb

6. Welsh-Edge Jordy Hilton, Kyra Chrostowski, Hollandale

7. Lars-Acres Vogue Couture-ET, Cole Kudrna, Janesville

8. Sugar-C DJ Sunny, Matthew Haldiman, Janesville

9. JK-May-Way Denver T-Ton-TW, Ellie Eichelkraut, New Glarus

10. Crescentmead Wishful, Taylor Jackson, Spring Green

(B&O) Frisle-Vue Denver Ecstasy, Gina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Fall Calves, Group 2 (23)

1. (B&O) Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

2. 2nd-Look Master Blaster, Kaydence Hodorff, Eden

3. Wildpfaffs Sdkick Lashes-ET, Brady Blaken, Melrose

4. Emerald-Acr-Vr Handsome Elsa, Matthew Ossmann, De Pere

5. Redcarpet Doorman Puma-ET, Dana Johnson, Tomah

6. Weigland Sdkick Alexivy-ET, Keith Nichols, Mt. Hope

7. Sonnenbrook Lash-A-Lot, Alyssa Holcomb, Monticello

8. Powers-Haven Tatoo Pretty, Caroline Powers, Columbus

9. Weigland Alt AlexAutumn-ET, Kenadee Weigel, Platteville

10. Berryridge Doorman Eve, Eliza Endres, Waunakee

Fall Calves, Group 3 (25)

1. Sunnylodge Knonaudale DB Eve, Emma Buska, Watertown

2. (B&O) Weigland Sdkick Alexlynn-ET, Kaelyn Weigel, Platteville

3. Ryan-Vu Raptor Chlorine, Katelyn King, Brownsville

4. Cow-Palace Diamond Harmony, Logan Brass, Howards Grove

5. MrSprech Tatoo Lollipop, Sydney Rider, Prairie du Sac

6. Legend-Maker Sidekick Chicago, Ella Raatz, Colby

7. Ms Gaedtke Jordy Perfection, Hailey Gaedtke, Luxemburg

8. Ms Ziems Adsn Extraordinary, Katherine Elwood, Amery

9. Mead-Manor Avalanche Ava-ET, Megan Moede, Algoma

10. Sunnyview-BK Gold Evolution, Jonah Enke, Milton

Champion Calf: Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Champion Calf: Sunnylodge Knonaudale DB Eve, Emma Buska, Watertown

Champion Bred & Owned Calf: Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Calf: Landstad Warrior Hazard, Hailey Zernicke, Bonduel

Summer Yearling, Group 1 (15)

1. 2nd-Look Warrior Lilah, Kaianne Hodorff, Eden

2. Crave Drn Annamarie-ET, Sara Skalitzky, Waterloo

3. Crestbrooke Dback Chaos, Alexa Albrecht, Fond du Lac

4. Ron-D-Ville Gambler Sadie, Kyla Johnson, Tomah

5. Gaedtke Unstopab Eva-Red-ET, Jadelynn Kroll, Luxemburg

6. Weigland Belmont Agenda, Makenna Martin, Mineral Point

7. Bohnview Undenied Live Mas, Tristin Bischoff, Hustisford

8. River-Bridge Kenosha YMCA, Kenedi Vande Hey, Brillion

9. Opsal Atmosphere Kesha, Lily Jenson, Barneveld

10. Treschers Doc Hermione, Izzi Mason, Cashton

(B&O) Amazing-GH D-Back Paisley, Grace Haase, Somerset

Summer Yearling, Group 2 (19)

1. Kamps-Rx AppleB Avery-ET, Molly Olstad, Stoughton

2. Quad-R Tatoo Lucy, Derek Schwartzlow, Monticello

3. (B&O) Gaedtke Chief Premier, Hailey Gaedtke, Luxemburg

4. Milksource Atticus Mantra, Blake Van De Hei, DePere

5. Brickroad Denver Geneva, Megan Breuch

6. Glenn-Ann Impact Sevanna, Paige Sweatt, Dane

7. Moorclose Goldchip Lana, Payton Calvert, Cuba City

8. Sugar-C Denver 7200, Seth Haldiman, Janesville

9. Carlaton D-Back Victory, Deagen Sandelier, Loyal

10. Hammertime Jordy Reba, Rebecca Murphy, Poynette

Summer Yearling, Group 3 (21)

1. Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville

2. Milksource Rumor Has It, Ashton Haack, Sheboygan Falls

3. (B&O) Rock-N-Hill-II Unix Havanna, Brian McCullough, Juda

4. Sco-Lo Handsome Fox-ET, Abigail Ard, Pulaski

5. Red-Brae Jordy Thierry, Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah

6. Ragnar Unstopabull Ember, Garrett Ulness, Valders

7. Hup-Bro Artisan Earth, Ambrea Kjos, River Falls

8. Betley Crsb Get Up N Go, Jacob Betley, Pulaski

9. Goldmist Amaretto Jealous, Christopher Gunst, Pine River

10. Olson-Are Doc Grins, Anna Olson, Sturgeon Bay

Spring Yearling (25)

1. Quietcove Avalnche Faith-ET, Logan Harbaugh, Marion

2. Golden-Oaks A Tawnya-ET, Austin Rider, Prairie du Sac

3. Kamps-Rx Appleb Alyana-ET, Morgan Van Schyndle, Cuba City

4. WI Fischerdale Dback Easy-ET, Cole Sarbacker, Edgerton

5. (B&O) Her-Rain Undenied River, Dana Johnson, Tomah

6. Sonnenbrook Denver Kirby-ET, Alyssa Holcomb, Monticello

7. Mead-Manor Doc Albany, Megan Moede, Algoma

8. Kamps-Rx Applebee August-ET, McKenzie Calvert, Cuba City

9. Smilaire Jaec, Zoe Ertel, Plymouth

10. Pauly-G Tstorm Amazon, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

Winter Yearling (26)

1. (B&O) Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

2. OBridge Onpoint 1316, Kendyl Hericks, Tomah

3. Bella-Ridge Lets Get Tatoos, Jacob Harbaugh, Marion

4. Jenlar Undenied Swizzle, Austin Meyer, Chilton

5. Weier-Nook Denver Champagne, Christian Bigler, Mineral Point

6. Olson-Are Jordy Cindy, Zachary Olson, Sturgeon Bay

7. Jeffrey-Way Artist Nell, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville

8. Hi-Lo-Valley Unix Buttercup, Marissa Cleary, Highland

9. Marshland Dback Barfly-ET, Josie Johnson, St Croix Falls

10. Road-View Doc Grey, Haylee Yager, Mineral Point

Fall Yearling (9)

1. Srnka George Hagar Sarah, Thomas Diemel, Seymour

2. Nobland Denver Koolwhip, Macie Noble, Lancaster

3. Opsal Denver Coco De Chanel, Kyra Danz, Barneveld

4. OBridge Dropkick 1287, Kendyl Hericks, Tomah

5. Rem-Jem Tatoo Christa 3477, Trista Meyer, Unity

6. OBridge Dropkick 1299, Alice Wiedmeyer, Norwalk

7. Hy-View Doorman Celene, Skylar Achenbach, Livingston

8. Sandy Loam Force Spicy, Morgan Howard, Fredonia

9. Sandy Loam Velvet Spooky, Miah Robinson, Fredonia

Champion Yearling: Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville

Reserve Champion Yearling: Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

Champion Bred & Owned Yearling: Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Yearling: Rock-N-Hill-II Unix Havanna, Brian McCullough, Juda

Grand Champion Heifer: Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Booth-Haven Pretty Lady-ET, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

Red & White Show

(116 total head - 9 cows; 48 calves; 60 yearlings)

Junior 2-Year-Old (1)

1. Maylee Hyonotic Dolly-Red, Jennifer Mack, West Bend

Senior 2-Year-Old (1)

1. (B&O) Gaedtke Jordy Edith-Red-ET, Hailey Gaedtke, Luxemburg

3-Year-Old (3)

1. Nehls-Valley Radioactiv-Red, Grant Vosters, Freedom

2. (B&O) Triple-HH Diamond Fawn-Red, Brooke Hammann, Barron

3. Digangi Defiant Lucky-Red, James Wanke, Jackson

4-Year-Old (3)

1. Mystic-Kreek DE Hala-Red-ET, Samantha Pitterle, Watertown

2. OCD Leap of Fate-Red, Cathryn Gunst, Pine River

3. Ourway Leverage Splash-Red, Clayton Schwendimann, Hartford

5-Year-Old (1)

1. Macland TS Juliet A-Red-ET, Grady Wendorf, Ixonia

Grand Champion Cow: Macland TS Juliet A-Red-ET, Grady Wendorf, Ixonia

Reserve Grand Champion Cow: Nehls-Valley Radioactiv-Red, Grant Vosters, Freedom

Champion Bred & Owned Cow: Gaedtke Jordy Edith-Red-ET, Hailey Gaedtke, Luxemburg

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Cow: Triple-HH Diamond Fawn-Red, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Spring Calves (11)

1. (B&O) Booth-Haven Fancy Lady-Red, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

2. Siemers Tequila 163-Red-ET, Laney Neuser, Cato

3. CK-Horizons Diamond-Red-ET, Chloe Kinnard, Casco

4. Sugar-C Warrior Alicia-Red, Matthew Haldiman, Janesville

5. Juvin Answer Apple-Red, Makenna Roske, Dallas

6. Mae-Lee Warrior Carat-Red, Madalyn Steinhagen, Richfield

7. Just-R-Mess Anlyst Raja-Red, Kaylee Mess, Rosendale

8. Bangarts Reeve Iris-Red, Emma Bangart, Stratford

9. Flannery-Vu War Ann-Red-ET, Elaina Ihm, Barneveld

10. Windleway Artisan Pansy-Red, Scout Dodds, Frederic

Winter Calves (20)

1. Kamps-Rx Apb Aleah-Red-ET, Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

2. (B&O) Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

3. Betley Unstp Lionize-Red-ET, Claire Betley, Pulaski

4. Berryridge Midori-Red, Ava Endres, Waunakee

5. 2nd-Look War Pringle-Red-ET, Kaydence Hodorff, Eden

6. Siemers Trina 34521-Red-ET, Eli Staudinger, Reedsville

7. Ms Believabl Scarlet-Red-ET, Nathan Owen, Pulaski

8. Courla Advent Ginger-Red, Landon Holewinski, Pulaski

9. Siemers A Great 618-Red-ET, Lauren Siemers, Kiel

10. Stjor Unst Rose 8504-Red-ET, Matthew Gunst, Hartford

Fall Calves (17)

1. Lyn-Vale Warrior Rose-Red, Kylie Nickels, Watertown

2. Milksource Triumphant-Red, Stephanie Love, DePere

3. (B&O) Betley Unstbull Leonine-Red, Claire Betley, Pulaski

4. Overland Awesome Chloe-Red, Coltin Coffeen, DePere

5. Ms Angel Dakari-Red, Lane Wendorf, Ixonia

6. Kamps-Rx Unstop Krankit-Red, Payton Van Schyndle, Cuba City

7. Siemers Great 33929-Red-ET, Brianna Meyer, Chilton

8. 2nd-Look Warrior Taki-Red, Kaianne Hodorff, Eden

9. Lyn-Vale Addisn Jazlynn-Red, Gabriel Mentink, Oostburg

10. Trent-Way Unstp Reba-Red-ET, Matthew Winch, Fennimore

Champion Calf: Kamps-Rx Apb Aleah-Red-ET, Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

Reserve Champion Calf: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Champion Bred & Owned Calf: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Calf: Booth-Haven Fancy Lady-Red, Campbell Booth, Plymouth

Summer Yearling (16)

1. (B&O) Bella-View Love and War-Red, Logan Harbaugh, Marion

2. Scenic-Edge Junebug-Red, Lane Wendorf, Ixonia

3. Warmka Dback 3496-Red-ET, Madison Wiese, Greenleaf

4. Synergy Summer-Red-ET, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski

5. Shining-Star Uns Helena-Red, Ian Schwartzlow, Monticello

6. Mead-Manor War Admiral-Red, Jake Treml, Casco

7. Synergy Solo Cup-Red-ET, Cole Kudrna, Janesville

8. Wide-Open Kikis Kupkake-Red, Hunter Guilette, Casco

9. Nobland Warrior Flame-Red, Drew Noble, Lancaster

10. Booth-Haven Lady Diana-Red, Cathryn Gunst, Pine River

Spring Yearling (15)

1. (B&O) Booth-Haven First Lady-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

2. Oakfield Jordy Eden-Red-ET, Morgan Van Schyndle, Cuba City

3. Gaedtke Altitud Tainted-Red, Mercedes Kroll, Luxemburg

4. Rock-Edge Jordy Rita-Red, Nicole Broege, Janesville

5. Maple-Edge Calendr Girl-Red, Logan Brass, Howards Grove

6. Unlimited Jordy Loop-Red, Lydia Rasmussen, Seymour

7. Jared Greidanus, Delavan

8. Ms Treehayven Rvup Daisy-Red, Hannah Hensel, Pittsville

9. Morets Dback Amber-Red, Megan Katzung, Bagley

10. Tails-Up Warrior Sophie-Red, Aspen Hagen, Spencer

Winter Yearling (13)

1. Kamps-Rx Applb Alivu-Red-ET, Payton Van Schyndle, Cuba City

2. Duckett Th Boomer-Rang-Red, Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale

3. (B&O) Elladaire War Chloekim-Red, Adam Bindl, Plymouth

4. Gaedtke Alttde Daffodil-Red, Mercedes Kroll, Luxemburg

5. Cow-Palace Warrior Aria-Red, Cole Booth, Plymouth

6. Ms Nehlsvalley Hot Cakes-Red, Ethan Staudinger, Reedsville

7. Nobland Addison Dixie-Red, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster

8. Nehls-Valley Lovely-Red-ET, Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford

9. Virhada Warrior Cheers-Red, Gunnar Sperle, Cambridge

10. Schluter Atlanta-Red-ET, Evan Hathaway, Barneveld

Fall Yearling (6)

1. Leakwood Aristo Rebecca-Red, Christopher Gunst, Pine River

2. (B&O) Rob-Cri Dback Amethyst-Red, Gracelyn Breitenstein, Plover

3. Ms Crescentmead Tigress-Red, Ashley Nadelhoffer, Jackson

4. Mayerlane Ambition-Red-ET, Cora Brandau, Wilton

5. Cost Gibbs Jordy Rascal-Red, James Pankratz, Auburndale

6. Jasha-Z Jrdy Rosebud-Red-ET, Elena Noetzel, Cedarburg

Champion Yearling: Bella-View Love and War-Red, Logan Harbaugh, Marion

Reserve Champion Yearling: Scenic-Edge Junebug-Red, Lane Wendorf, Ixonia

Champion Bred & Owned Yearling: Bella-View Love and War-Red, Logan Harbaugh, Marion

Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Yearling: Booth-Haven First Lady-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Grand Champion Heifer: Kamps-Rx Apb Aleah-Red-ET, Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

Reserve Grand Champion Heifer: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Bella-View Love and War-Red, Logan Harbaugh, Marion

Supreme Champions

Supreme Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Booth-Haven Lady Mary K-Red, Ava Booth, Plymouth

Reserve Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Vallowhill Magarita Time, Ian Emery, Sullivan (Ayrshire)

3rd Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Ms Rebasraven Beauty-ET, Tessa Schmocker, Whitewater

4th Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Red Brae E Famous Maybe, Elise Bleck, Glenbeulah (Brown Swiss)

5th Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Heifer: Vallowhill Stamp Em Iliana, Brynn Emery, Sullivan (Milking Shorthorn)

Supreme Champion Heifer: Kamps-Rx Apb Aleah-Red-ET, Lauren Breunig, Sauk City

Reserve Supreme Heifer: Jeffrey-Way Drman Tavor-ET, Emma Hendrickson, Belleville

3rd Overall Supreme Heifer: Milksource Reviresco Fantom, Tristen Ostrom, DePere (Jersey)

4th Overall Supreme Heifer: Vallowhill Magarita Time, Ian Emery, Sullivan (Ayrshire)

5th Overall Supreme Heifer: Red Brae E Famous Maybe, Elise Bleck, Glenbeulah (Brown Swiss)

Supreme Champion Bred & Owned Cow: Moy-Ayr Burdette Lightning-ET, Rebecca Schmidt, Delavan (Ayrshire)

Reserve Supreme Bred & Owned Cow: Gaedtke Jordy Edith-Red-ET, Hailey Gaedtke, Luxemburg (R&W Holstein)

3rd Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Cow: Summerwynd Jane Doe, Tyler Schroepfer, Birnamwood (Brown Swiss)

4th Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Cow: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron (Holstein)

5th Overall Supreme Bred & Owned Cow: Crowned Victorious Glimmer, Bradin Bjelland, Gillett (Jersey)

Supreme Champion Cow: Macland TS Juliet A-Red-ET, Grady Wendorf, Ixonia (R&W Holstein)

Reserve Supreme Champion Cow: Siemers KR Hanker 28512-ET, Lauren Siemers, Kiel (Holstein)

3rd Overall Supreme Champion Cow: Maple Fudge of 12 Oaks, Ashley Brandel, Lake Mills (Milking Shorthorn)

4th Overall Supreme Champion Cow: Stil-Dreamn Burdette Candy, Brynn Emery, Sullivan (Ayrshire)

5th Overall Supreme Champion Cow: Random Luck B Talented, Payton Van Schyndle, Cuba City (Brown Swiss)

Showmanship Winners

12-Year-Old: Kayla Trustem, Rock County

13-Year-Old: Peyton Voegeli, Columbia County (4th Overall Supreme Champion Showman)

14-Year-Old: Ashley Brandel, Jefferson County

15-Year-Old: Kyla Johnson, Wil-Ridge group

16-Year-Old: Abigail Ard, Shawano County (3rd Overall Supreme Champion Showman)

17-Year-Old: Ashlee Garbers, Wil-Ridge group (5th Overall Supreme Showman)

18-Year-Old: Ashlyn Sarbacker, Dane County (Reserve Supreme Champion Showman)

19-Year-Old: Kylie Nickels, Dodge County (Supreme Champion Showman)


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