2018 District 3 Show

Grant County Fairgrounds, Lancaster
Judge: Brian Behnke
212 animals exhibited, 149 heifers and 63 cows
Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (8)
1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Hartleys Kingboy Korley, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
2. (2JR) Windy-Valley Diamback Bella, Kylee Badtke, Shullsburg
3. (3JR) Hopeful Beemer Athena, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld
4. Mickilcrest Silvr Clare, Mike & Jill Van Schyndle, Cuba City
5. Valley-Drive Wilson Zarona, Jeff Hayes, Fond du Lac
6. (4JR) Weigland Doc Alleyoop, Kaelyn, Keegan, Kenadee, Dyl, Briggs & Brie Weigel, Platteville
7. Hartleys Atwood Anita, Dean & Donna Hartley, Soldiers Grove
8. Harleys Doorman Dottie, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
Spring Calf (17)
1. (B&O) ST-YLE-SA PartyGirl-Red, Stephanie Aves, Belmont
2. Hi-Lo-Valley Lucys Love-ET, Ashley Yager, Highland
3. Gildale Monterey Moonlight, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
4. Kamps-Rx Appleb Angel-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
5. (1JR) Roxy-Dane Av Raelynn-Red, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
6. (2JR) Ms Weigland-KC Megastar Haz, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
7. (3JR, JrB&O) Hartleys Kingboy Korley, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
8. Kamps-Hollow Trinity-Red-ET, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
9. (4JR) Windy-Valley Diamback Bella, Kylee Badtke, Shullsburg
10. Double-D Meridian Jayla, Scott & Amanda Wiliams, Cuba City
Winter Calf (28)
1. (B&O) K-Manor Splendid Rose 363, K-Manor Holsteins, Muscoda
2. Gildale Gold Chip Hallie, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. Gildale Aplejak Twizler-Red, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
4. Kamps-Rx Defiant Parsley, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Belmont
5. GBM C Jills Jewel, Greg & Kimberly & Kayla Moret, Prairie du Chien
6. Swanee-Acres Shut the Door, Jason Swanson, Capron, IL
7. Kamps-Hollow Amigo-Red, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
8. (1JR) Hartleys Doorman Dimples, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
9. (2JR) Kamps-Hollow Atouchdown-Red, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld
10. (3JR) Kamps-Hollow Tavern-Red-ET, Tessa & Delaney Kamps & Britten Allen, Belmont
(JrB&O) Nobland Amo Hotstuff-Red-TW, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
Fall Calf (36)
1. (B&O) Hi-Lo-Valley Lights Out, Amber Yager, Highland
2. Milksource Applebee-Red-ET, Krysty Kamps, Darlington
3. Cloverhill Ainsley-Red-ET, Ty Adrian, Lancaster
4. (1JR) Stone-Front Jacoby Justice, Payton, Morgan & Nolan Van Schyndle, Cuba City
5. (2JR, JrB&O) Hartleys Mccutchen Moola, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
6. JD-Pride Brokaw Dynamite, Gerald & Diana Oppriecht, Eastman
7. Plum-Line Attic Asset, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills
8. (3JR) Kamps-Hollow Akari, Tessa & Delaney Kamps & Britten Allen, Belmont
9. (4JR) Milksource Adlee-ET, Victoria, Audrey, Breanna & Lydia North, Platteville
10. Sunny-Valley Ad Frapple-Red, Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
Summer Yearling (20)
1. (1JR, B&O) KnH-Endres Diamondback Onya, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
2. Ms Hi-Lo-Valley Db Heartly, Dennis Bowers & Hi-Lo Valley Holsteins, Highland
3. Tombeth Lb Dexter Anna, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
4. (2JR) Siemers Dman Haylina-ET, Alek & Brooke Krueger, Hazel Green
5. Oppriecht Goldmine-ET, Thomas Oppriecht, Eastman
6. Dajeda Popgun Harpoon, Daryl & Jennifer Dammen, South Wayne
7. Sunny-Valley Forget Me Not, Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
8. (3JR) Weigland Airlift Neyney, Kaelyn, Keegan, Kenadee, Dyl, Briggs & Brie Weigel, Platteville
9. (4JR) Cloverhill Dback Medusa-Red, Ian Adrian, Lancaster
10. (5JR) OCD Defiant Dazzle-Red-ET, Nathan Daniels & Julia Searls, Cobb
Spring Yearling (20)
1. (B&O) Hi-Lo-Valley High Oct Peach, Alyssa Yager, Highland
2. Ms Syle Sm Crystal, Black Diamond Syndicate, Belmont
3. Jas-K Diamondback Daisy, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills
4. (1JR) KnH-Endres Abso Finley-Red, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
5. (2JR) Hartleys D Back Delight, Emma & Natalie Giddings, Soldiers Grove
6. Sunny-Valley Diamond Frisky, Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
7. (3JR, JrB&O) Nobland Diamondback Estelle, Ainsley Noble, Lancaster
8. Sunny-Valley Dbk Fire-Red, Wayne DeBuhr, Sun Prairie
9. Hams Levrage Tornado-Red-ET, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld
10. (4JR) Larlee Dback Eternity-Red, Jarvie Wayne Samuel Nafzger, Mineral Point
Winter Yearling (10)
1. (B&O) Hi-Lo-Valley High Oc Laneer, Ashley Yager, Highland
2. Voigtscrest Jacoby Moby, Larry & Kim Voigts, Platteville
3. (1JR) Weigland Arvis Hope, Kaelyn, Keegan, Kenadee, Dyl, Briggs & Brie Weigel, Platteville
4. Double-D Avala Prancer-Red, Scott & Amanda Williams, Cuba City
5. (2JR) Moorclose Union Bazuka, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
6. (3JR) Moorclose Avalanche Sage, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
7. Inspiracres Awesome Mistlto, Scott & Amanda Williams, Cuba City
8. (4JR) Hopeful Diamonds Madonna, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld
9. Hwy-Acres Bayonet Reann, Jeffrey Dammen, Argyle
10. CJ-Moo-Chita Lur Oceania-TW, Charles Moore, Fennimore
Fall Yearling (12)
1. (1JR, B&O) Tombeth Ettakaw, Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills
2. (2JR, JrB&O) Nobland Avalan Heartache-TW, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
3. AJ-Chance Okaliber Mira, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
4. (3JR) Moorclose Beemer Kaylee, Madison, McKenzie & Payton Calvert, Cuba City
5. Calopogon Dream Denali, Suzanne Benoit, Stitzer
6. Ruby-D Diamond Mauve-Red, Adylin Dieter & Alek Krueger, Edgerton
7. (4JR) Nobland Heartbreaker-Red-TW, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
8. (5JR) Windy-Valley Dmondback Onyx, Travis Dammen, Argyle
9. BCS-Genetics Mos Sahara-Red, BCS-Genetics, Lancaster
10. (6JR) Ryan-Crest Sid Elsie-ET, John & Katherine Wackershauser, Platteville
Junior Champion of the Junior Show
Tombeth Ettakaw, Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show
KnH-Endres Diamondback Onya, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
Junior Champion of the Show
Tombeth Ettakaw, Sarah Kearns, Gays Mills
Reserve Junior Champion of the Show
Hi-Lo-Valley Lights Out, Amber Yager, Highland
Junior Best 3 Females (5)
1. Hi-Lo-Valley Holsteins, Highland
2. Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. Nobland Farms, Lancaster
4. Hartley Farms, Soldiers Grove
5. Sunny-Valley Holsteins, Sun Prairie
Junior 2-Year-Old (14)
1. (BU, 1JR) Ms Tora-Ranway Whiterose-ET, Alek & Brooke Krueger, Hazel Green
2. (B&O) GBM KAM Mccutchen Elvira, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
3. Kamps-Hollow Angelice, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
4. (2JR, JrB&O) KnH-Endres Db Jaycee-TW, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
5. Hoch-Niedrig Sid Class Act, Clifford & Peggy Sue Jones, Arena
6. (3JR) Mound-Farm Gchip Haven, Emma Buss, Platteville
7. Wiscit Mccutchen Meera, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
8. (4JR) Kamp-Hopeful Hal, Kyra & Kenzie Danz, Barneveld
9. Tombeth Corvette Adalynn, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
10. (5JR) Miesens Beemer Blossom, Brianna Lynn Miesen, Belmont
Senior 2-Year-Old (11)
1. (BU, B&O) Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
2. Gildale Sid Matilda, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. Wiscit Defiant Maya, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
4. Excellent Sid Electrify-ET, Leane Dammen & Jason Richardson, South Wayne
5. Tombeth Corvette Honeyjive, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
6. Bontz-Vic Atwood Makanna-ET, Dylan Bradley Bontz, Peoria, IL
7. (1JR) Bella-Ridge Doorman Gem-ET, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
8. Double-D Ladd Gwen-Red, Scott & Amanda Williams, Cuba City
9. (2JR) Weigland Doorman Agnessa-ET, Kaelyn, Keegan, Kenadee, Dyl, Briggs & Brie Weigel, Platteville
10. (3JR) Ziems Brady Epiphany-ET, Nathan Daniels & Julia Searls, Cobb
Junior 3-Year-Old (8)
1. (BU, B&O, Prod) Jas-K Capgain Tisha-Red-ET, Jason Kearns, Gays Mills
2. Milksource Goldchp Gypsy-ET, Richard Kamps, Belmont
3. (1JR) Nobland Armani Allie, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
4. GBM Beemer Jillianna-ET, Greg & Kimberly & Kayla Moret, Prairie du Chien
5. GBM KAM Mccutchen Elizabeth, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
6. Safe-Haven Arm Trama-Red-ET, Shane Nodolf, Belmont
7. Stone-Front Practical-ET, Brandon Klein, Lancaster
8. Ma-Brown Atwood Margaery, Danielle Brown, Dodgeville
Senior 3-Year-Old (8)
1. (BU, B&O, 1JR) KnH-Endres Bradnick Oasis, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
2. Gildale Atwood Nutcracker-ET, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
3. GBM Atwood Joyful-ET, Gregory & Kimberly Moret, Prairie du Chien
4. Wiscit Carson Santababy-Red, University of Wisconsin-Platteville, Platteville
5. (Prod) Paradise-D Crown Gusti, Daniel & Nancy Pagenkopf, Lancaster
6. Charpentier Mccutchen Sariette, Jason Swanson, Capron, IL
7. (2JR) Nobland Apple J Hustle-Red, Ainsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster
8. Davidsonview Fever Demorne, Tessa Markart, Arena
Intermediate Champion of the Show
KnH-Endres Bradnick Oasis, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show
Ms Tora-Ranway Whiterose-ET, Alek & Brooke Krueger, Hazel Green
Intermediate Champion of the Show
KnH-Endres Bradnick Oasis, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show
Kamps-Hollow Jayde, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
4-Year-Old (9)
1. (BU, 1JR, B&O) Kamps-Hollow Aleda-Red-TW, Tessa & Delaney Kamps & Britten Allen, Belmont
2. (Prod) Buck-H-Creek L Petal-Red-ET, Reggie & Krysty Kamps, Darlington
3. Ma-Brown Atwood Plum, Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville
4. (2JR) Oakfield Aftrsck Cadence-ET, Cole & Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
5. Hi-Lo-Valley Petals-ET, Alyssa Yager, Highland
6. Dajeda Absolute Nugget, Daryl & Jennifer Dammen, South Wayne
7. (3JR) Crescentmead Srvr Mabel-Red, Kaeyln, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
8. (4JR) KnH-Endres Atlantic Ocean, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
9. Ma-Brown Atwood Beegee, Angela Davis Brown, Dodgeville
5-Year-Old (5)
1. (BU, B&O) KHW Hero Abbey-ET, High Altitude Syndicate, Platteville
2. (1JR) KHW M-O-S Aphrodite-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
3. (2JR, Prod) KHW Ladd Arrested-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
4. Oppride Windbrook Famous, William Oppriecht, Eastman
5. GBM KAM Atw Emerald, Kayla Ann Moret, Prairie du Chien
6-Year-Old & Older (7)
1. (BU, B&O, Prod) Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
2. Double-D Braxton Maddie, Scott & Amanda Williams, Cuba City
3. KHW Epic Aka-ET, Jordyn Ann Kamps, Belmont
4. Gildale Ad Little-Red, Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
5. Oppride Shottle Faith-ET, William Oppreicht, Eastman
6. Rock-N-Hill-II Damion Lucky, Clifford, Peggy & Cyrus Jones, Arena
7. Hoch-Niedrig Aftsh Serena, Cyrus Jones, Arena
150,000 lb. Cow (1)
1. (BU, B&O, Prod) Tombeth Shottle Enhance-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show
KnH-Endres Db Jaycee-TW, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
Senior Champion of the Junior Show
Kamps-Hollow Aleda-Red-TW, Tessa & Delaney Kamps & Britten Allen, Belmont
Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show
KHW M-O-S Aphrodite-ET, Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville
Grand Champion of the Show
KnH-Endres Bradnick Oasis, Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock
Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show
Kamps-Hollow Aleda-Red-TW, Tessa & Delaney Kamps & Britten Allen, Belmont
Senior & Grand Champion of the Show
Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion of the Show
Tombeth Shottle Enhance-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Champion Bred & Owned & Best Udder of the Show
Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET, Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, Gays Mills
Best Three Females (2)
1. Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills
2. Gildale Holsteins, Hollandale
Produce of Dam (4)
1. Tombeth Holsteins, Gays Mills
2. Weigland Holsteins, Platteville
3. KnH Endres, Lone Rock
4. Nobland Farms, Lancaster
Dam & Offspring (2)
1. GBM Holsteins, Prairie du Chien
2. Nobland Farms, Lancaster
Premier Breeder: KHW Genetics, Platteville
Premier Exhibitor: Kamps-Hollow, Belmont