2020 District 7 Show
Shawano County Fairgrounds, Shawano
Judge: Brian Coyne
141 head shown (104 heifers, 37 cows)
Spring Calf, Exhibitors 10 & Under (7)
1. (B&O) Miss Artist Cheddar, Casey Olson, Josh Rynes, & James & Andy Mueller, New London
2. (1JR) Quietcove Avalnche Faith-ET, Jacob, Logan, & Madison Harbaugh, Marion
3. (2JR) Landstad Dmndbck Sassafrass, Hailey, Allison, Jack & Chloe Zernicke, Bonduel
4. Forest-Ridge JJ Daisy-Red, Kurt & Sarah Loehr, Eden
5. Forest-Ridge Tat Minnesota, Kurt & Sarah Loehr, Eden
6. Voight-Acres Undenied Elle, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
7. (3JR) Brown-Star Tahiti Sophie, Brown Star Farm LLC, Gillett
Spring Calf (10)
1. (B&O) Miss Artist Cheddar, Casey Olson, Josh Rynes, & James & Andy Mueller, New London
2. (1JR) Quietcove Avalnche Faith-ET, Jacob, Logan, & Madison Harbaugh, Marion
3. (2JR) Kampy Warr Limitless-Red-ET, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst, Pine River
4. Harmony-Mist Zilla, David & Julie Marcks, Black Creek
5. (3JR, JrB&O) Betley Altude Symphony-Red, Claire Betley, Pulaski
6. Hammertime Avlanch Polly-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette
7. (4JR) Gems-Crest Access Denied, Lydia Gwidt, Pulaski
8. Jauquet Doc Amara, Jeff Jauquet, Luxemburg
9. Wisconsibly Yelich-Red, Andrew & Erin Mueller, Luxemburg
10. (5JR) Crystal Oak Dempsey Makayla, Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
Winter Calf (19)
1. (1JR, B&O) Bella-Ridge War Marble-Red, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
2. (2JR) Gaedtke Alttde Daffodil-Red, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
3. (3JR) Landstad Diamndback Saphire, Hailey, Allison, Jack & Chloe Zernicke, Bonduel
4. (4JR) Redcarpet Doormn Daytona-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh & D & C Ryan, Marion
5. (5JR, JrB&O) Bella-View Ashlyns Angel-ET, Jacob, Logan, & Madison Harbaugh, Marion
6. (6JR) Gaedtke Hancock Arianna, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
7. (7JR) Ms Milksource Unix Aj-ET, Jacob Viergutz, Clintonville
8. (8JR) Bella-Ridge Gold Lustre-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
9. Trav-Annah Frtzs Finale-Red, Travis & Savannah Krohlow, Black Creek
10. (9JR) Kampy Doc Thriller, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst, Pine River
Fall Calf (24)
1. (B&O) Milksource Tstorm Chrome-ET, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
2. Milksource Doorman Rapture, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
3. T-Triple-T Palm Bay, Trent Stycyznski & Laura Lesher, De Pere
4. (1JR) Milksource Goldwyn Retro-ET, Tristen Ostrom, Kaukauna
5. (2JR) City-Slickers Db Bon Voyage, J, L & M Harbaugh & D & C Ryan, Marion
6. Hammertime Br Charlotte, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette
7. (3JR) Milksource Unix Chassup-ET, Jacob & Logan Harbaugh & Jacob Viergutz, Marion
8. Milksource D Kudos-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
9. Trav-Annah Fantasy-Red-ET, Travis & Savannah Krohlow & William Schultz II, Black Creek
10. (4JR) Gaedtke Defnt Everclear-Red, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
(JrB&O) Betley Altitude Beloved-Red, Jacob & Claire Betley, Pulaski
Summer Yearling (14)
1. (B&O) Ms Raptor Kryptonite, Edgar & Mandi Bue & Joel Kietzman, Kaukauna
2. Potluck Champion Labest, Craig Krohlow, Black Creek
3. Milksource J Treasure-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
4. Milksource Raptor London, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
5. (1JR) Gaedtke Aromatic Euclid-Red, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
6. Forest-Ridge Tatoo Manitoo, Kurt & Sarah Loehr, Eden
7. (2JR) Siemers Great 31589-Red-ET, J, L & M Harbaugh & D & C Ryan, Marion
8. (3JR) Gaedtke Deman Buffy, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
9. Milksource Riley-Red-ET, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
10. Trav-Annah Allicat-Red, Travis & Savannah Krohlow, Black Creek
(JrB&O) Landstad Doppler Snapple, Hailey, Allison, Jack & Chloe Zernicke, Bonduel
Spring Yearling (11)
1.(B&O) Bella-Ridge Tatoo Queenie, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
2. Bella-Ridge Tatoo Demoisele, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
3. (1JR, JrB&O) Bella-Ridge So Dramatic, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
4. (2JR) Betley Dback Sienna-Red, Claire Betley, Pulaski
5. Milksource Slt Rowdy, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
6. (3JR) Lake-Breeze Jordy Toni-Red, Rebecca Mae Tank, New London
7. (4JR) Mead-Manor Tatoo Apache, Megan Moede & Katie Ledvina, Algoma
8. Harmony-Mist Lydia, Bethany Marcks, Black Creek
9. Tag Awesome Joanie-Red, Shane Gearhart, Coleman
10. (5JR) Ewald-View Dh Haysiri, Miranda Ewald, Wautoma
Winter Yearling (11)
1. (B&O) Hammertime Alltway Riley-ET, Hammertime Holsteins, Poynette
2. Milksource Tantrum-Red-ET, Tristen Ostrom, Kaukauna
3. (1JR) Ms Rollnvew Jump4fun-Red-ET, Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh, Marion
4. (2JR) Exquisite Solomon Carol-ET, Megan Moede & Katie Ledvina, Algoma
5. (3JR) Jauquet On Point Amore, Jacob Betley, Pulaski
6. Ms Sabor-Ch Ak Ud Gabriella, Charlotte Handschke & Amy Koenig, New Franken
7. (4JR, JrB&O) Crystal-Oak Imp Fortune, Drew, Victoria & Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
8. (5JR) Sunkiss Avalnch Sungazer-ET, Chloe LaCrosse, Forestville
9. (6JR) Schuh-Vu Crush Cypress, Joseph & Megan Schuh, Freedom
10. Lightningridge J Apple, Shane Gearhart, Coleman
Fall Yearling (8)
1. Krullcrest Rch Sarasota-ET, Craig Krohlow, Black Creek
2. (1JR) OCD Jo Lionking-Red-ET, Claire Betley, Pulaski
3. (2JR, B&O) Gaedtke Jordy Edith-Red-ET, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
4. (3JR) Gaedtke Jordy Eloise-Red-ET, H, A, K, & A Gaedtke & M & J Kroll, Luxemburg
5. (4JR) Kampy Doorman Gossip-ET, Cathryn & Christopher Gunst, Pine River
6. Smokin-N Dmndback Razzle, Amy Koenig & Donnie Nieman, New Franken
7. (5JR, JrB&O) J-Springs Airlift Kickstart, Gracie Lynn Ziegler, Freedome
8. (6JR) Ewald-View Kingboy Fawna, Allyson Ewald, Wautoma
Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Bella-Ridge War Marble-Red, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Milksource Goldwyn Retro-ET, Tristen Ostrom, Kaukauna
Junior Champion of the Show: Milksource Tstorm Chrome-ET, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Bella-Ridge War Marble-Red, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
Junior Best Three (4)
1. Milksource, Kaukauna
2. Bella-Ridge, Marion
3. Trav-Annah, Black Creek
4. Gaedtke & Kroll, Luxemburg
Junior Two-Year-Old (10)
1. (B&O, BU) Milksource Attica-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
2. Leawood Sassy Girl-Red, Hammertime Holst. & Ballweg Hickory Hills Dairy, Poynette
3. (1JR) Opsal Dft Amazing In-Red-ET, Jeremy Schlies, Denmark
4. (2JR) Schluter Jord Alexis-Red-ET, Claire Betley, Pulaski
5. Voight-Acres Kingboy Ellen, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
6. Synergy Crush Remember, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
7. Townlineacres Defint Apricot, Derek Breyer, Birnamwood
8. T-Triple-T Peggy, Dillon Breyer & Corey Mortenson, Birnamwood
9. Voight-Acres Solomn Mila-ET, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
10. (3JR, JrB&O) Lime-Acres Sunkist-Red, Maclayne Gilson, Seymour
Senior Two-Year-Old (5)
1. (1JR, BU) Mil-Nels A Caramac-Red-ET, Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh, Marion
2. (2JR, JrB&O, B&O) Crystal-Oak Bs Quantum, Drew, Victoria, & Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
3. (3JR) Wilstar Ammo Arouse-Red, Calista LaCrosse, Kewaunee
4. Golden-Corners Bor 2513-Red, John Wolf, Oconto Falls
5. Redstien Must Rate-Red, Amy Koenig, New Franken
Junior Three-Year-Old (3)
1. (B&O, BU, 1JR) Bella-Ridge Beauty Queen, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
2. Nor-Rich Uw April, Brandon Smith, Pulaski
3. (2JR, JrB&O) Crystal-Oak Wind Fifi, Drew, Victoria, & Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
Senior Three-Year-Old (9)
1. (BU) Nehls-Valley Arch Angel, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
2. Opsal Diamndbck Madison-Red, Brandon Smith, Pulaski
3. (B&O) Harmony-Mist Corolla, David & Julie Marcks, Black Creek
4. (1JR, Prod.) Synergy High Octane Annie, Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
5. Apple-Pts Amazon-Red-ET, Derek Breyer, Birnamwood
6. Milksource Byway Amazon-ET, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
7. Voight-Acres Mccutchen Reba, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
8. (2JR) Sunnyside Nancy Doorman-ET, Joseph Schuh, Freedom
9. (3JR) Old-Settlers Law Christina, Jeremey Schlies, Denmark
Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Opsal Dft Amazing In-Red-ET, Jeremy Schlies, Denmark
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Bella-Ridge Beauty Queen, J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion
Intermediate Champion of the Show: Milksource Attica-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Arch Angel, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
Four-Year-Old Cow (6)
1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Synergy Armani Smolder-ET, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
2. Voight-Acres Bradnick Dee, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
3. (2JR) Milksource Gldndrms Tutalue, Thayne, Bradin, & Caylee Bjelland, Gillett
4. (3JR) Crystal-Oak Gw Fudge, Victoria & Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
5. Voight-Acres Brady 617, Voight Acres LLC, Shiocton
6. (4JR) Mayerlane Sierra-ET, Brytni Ewald, Wautoma
Five-Year-Old Cow (2)
1. (1JR, B&O, Prod.) Synergy Anahiem Magnolia-ET, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
2. Church-Hill Baltimor Dee, Dillon Breyer, Birnamwood
Six-year-Old & Older Cow (0)
150,000 lb Cow (2)
1. (1JR, B&O, Prod) Synergy Alchmy Loophole-Red, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
2. (2JR) Wils-Gold Zdestiny Ace-ET, Calista LaCrosse, Kewaunee
Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show
Crystal-Oak Bs Quantum, Drew, Victoria, & Derek Christoph, Luxemburg
Senior Champion of the Open & Junior Shows: Synergy Anahiem Magnolia-ET, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
Reserve Senior Champion of the Open & Junior Shows: Synergy Alchmy Loophole-Red, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Opsal Dft Amazing In-Red-ET, Jeremy Schlies, Denmark
Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Synergy Anahiem Magnolia-ET, Mason, Carter, & Evan Jauquet, Pulaski
Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred & Owned of Show: Milksource Attica-Red, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Arch Angel, Milk Source LLC, Kaukauna
Dam & Offspring (1)
1. Bella-Ridge, Marion
Best Three Females (1)
1. Synergy Dairy, Pulaski
Premier Breeder & Exhibitor: Synergy Dairy, Pulaski