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2022 District 1 Holstein Show

Monday, June 13

Barron County Fairgrounds, Rice Lake

Judge: Brett Hildebrandt

125 head shown (71 heifers, 54 cows)

Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 and under (7)

1. (B&O) Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hammann, Barron

2. Nova Tatoo Encanta-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

3. (1JR) Willows-Edge Crush June, Evelyn Rose, New Richmond

4. Willows-Edge Ln Mikaboo-Red, Claire Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. Marshland Denver Jazzy Jazz, Marshland Farms, Cushing

6. (2JR) Oakfield Rdmr D Emissary-ET, Celia Carter-Thompson, Almena

7. Marshland Door Isabella-ET, Marshland Farms, Cushing

Spring Calf (5)

1. (B&O) Triple-HH Movin Around Ally, Summer Hammann, Barron

2. (1JR, JrB&O) Cook Kinda Moovin Karma, Reanna and Raina Cook, Barron

3. Nova Tatoo Encanta-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

4. (2JR) Willows-Edge Crush June, Evelyn Rose, New Richmond

5. Croixland Latenite Heartache, Lexi DuSell, Baldwin

Winter Calf (14)

1. Ms Woodmohr War Memoir-Red, Apple Acres, Bloomer

2. (B&O) Redline Tatoo Imperial, Steven Maier, Jim Falls

3. (1JR) Redcarpet Db Cooper-ET, Raina and Reanna Cook, Barron

4. Albedarn W Layla-Red, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin

5. (2JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Adolph Diva, Brooke and Summer Hammann, Barron

6. (3JR) Hagerhill Admiral Satin, Riley Anderson, Ellsworth

7. (4JR) Frisle-Vue Denver Europe-ET, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

8. West Croix Select Lanae, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

9. (5JR) Bert-Mar Karmel-Red, Avery Chandler, Rice Lake

10. (6JR) Sure-Shot Analyst Moxi, Brynn Zwiefelhofer, Bloomer

Fall Calf (18)

1. (B&O) Redline Sidekick Iconic, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

2. (1JR, JrB&O) Nova Doc Lindi, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

3. Redline Belgin-Red, Steven Maier, Jim Falls

4. Willows-Edge Kdoc Laurie, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. Albedarn Hanley Maya, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin

6. (2JR) Kings-Vue War A Dare-Red, Frederick Ullom and Elsie Berlin, Bloomer

7. Nova Unstopabull Bourbon, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

8. (3JR) Tree-Hayven Crush Snap Shot, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

9. (4JR) Milksource Admiral Rift, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

10. (5JR) Triple-HH Addis Fuschia-Red, Brody Hammann, Barron

Summer Yearling (10)

1. Milksource Reaction-ET, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

2. Blackjack War All That-Red, Cross-Town Dairy, Ellsworth

3. (B&O) Randmar HD Gem, Charles and Sybil Thompson, Almena

4. Albedarn Hanley Gemma, Vanessa Achterhof, Baldwin

5. West-Croix Unix Shakira, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

6. (1JR) Della-Sheen Waror Grace-Red, R Anderson and B & B Bechel, Ellsworth

7. Probert Domino Bellanova, Paul Grulke and Jenna Achterhof, Baldwin

8. (2JR) Synergy Amarillo Sky, Summer Hammann, Barron

9. (3JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Unstop Fiesta-Red, Brooke Hammann, Barron

10. (4JR) Frisle-Vue Unstop Peggy-Red, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Spring Yearling (8)

1. (B&O) Redline Peanut, Alissa and Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

2. Della-Sheen Altude Lava-Red, Eric Bechel, Spring Valley

3. (1JR) Triple-HH Ralf Ring A Bell, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

4. (2JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Tatoo Frostbite, Brooke Hammann, Barron

5. Willows-Edge Amera Modesty, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

6. (3JR) Siemers Tquila 35117-Red-ET, Kaylee Raymond, New Richmond

7. Flambeau-Manor Naughty-Red, Gary Van Doorn, Tony

8. (4JR) Hodglynn Doorman Selena, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

Winter Yearling (3)

1. (1JR) Redcarpet Undenied Tessa-ET, Macy Weyer, Woodville

2 (2JR) Dunn-Brook Denver Madeulook, Brooke and Brody Hammann, Barron

3. (3JR, B&O) Frisle-Vue Bootylicious-ET, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Fall Yearling (6)

1. Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Ben and Brian Styer, Menomonie

2. (1JR) Slattery 873 Tatoo 975, Makayla Meyer, Woodville

3. (2JR, B&O, JrB&O) Frisle-Vue Denver Ecstasy, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

4. Hoesly Contender Nuance-Red, Cross-Town Dairy, Ellsworth

5. Pauly-G Hot Daddy Get Some, Paul Grulke, Baldwin

6. Grand-View Atwood Pria, Amy Gunderson, Menomonie

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Nova Doc Lindi, Sophia Kamm, New Richmond

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Redcarpet Db Cooper-ET, Raina and Reanna Cook, Barron

Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Ms Woodmohr War Memoir-Red, Apple Acres, Bloomer

Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Mayerlane Black Cat-ET, Ben and Brian Styer, Menomonie

Junior Best Three

1. Redline Holsteins, Jim Falls

2. Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin

3. Willows Edge, New Richmond

Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (8)

1. (BU) Golden-Oaks Av Lacey-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Triple-HH Unstop Afterdark, Summer Hammann, Barron

3. Hardscrabble America Vali, Hardscrabble Farms, Jim Falls

4. Willows-Edge Side Mushy, Jordan Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. Nova Artist Nattie, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

6. (2JR) Della-Sheen Warior Diva-Red, Braeden Bechel, Spring Valley

7. (3JR) Demmers Absolute Panther, Lilly Johnson, River Falls

8. (4JR) Hodglynn Mirrand Harbor, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

Senior Two-Year-Old (9)

1. (B&O) Della-Sheen Jacoby 291, Eric Bechel, Spring Valley

2. (BU) Crisdhome Doorman Dinero, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

3. (1JR, JrB&O) Ms Nova Thundrstrm Labrynth, Sopha Kamm, New Richmond

4. Willows-Edge Db Mezzinine, Claire Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. (2JR) Ms Cooks Kinda Want Me-Red, Reanna and Raina Cook, Barron

6. Duckett Unix Scarlett-ET, Paul Knutson, Prairie Farm

7. Image-Point Doorman Kix, Jeff and Debbie Wille, Rice Lake

8. West-Croix Octane Gaiacat, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

9. (3JR) Triple-HH Tatoo Look at Me, Brooke and Summer Hammann, Barron

Junior Three-Year-Old (10)

1. (B&O, BU) Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

2. Ali-Star Prime Saige, Alison Grulke, Mayville

3. Crisdhome Defiant Getalong, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

4. (1JR, JrB&O) Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

5. (2JR) Probert A Bree-Emma-Red, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

6. Jim-Dandi Avalnch Dont Tell, James Hauschildt, Ellsworth

7. Nova Crush Froline, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

8. (3JR) Hagerhill Real Deal-Red, Riley Anderson, Ellsworth

9. Willows-Edge Gd Mocalatte, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

10. Nova-TMJ Beemer Exbrie, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

Senior Three-Year-Old (8)

1. (B&O, BU) Crisdhome Midnight Metalica, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

2. Our-Favorite Wicked-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

3. Nova High Octang Diviniti, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

4. Jim-Dandi Jasper Jo Jo, James Hauschildt, Ellsworth

5. Redline Devour Ingot, Jacob Maier, Jim Falls

6. Sondad Apple Crisp 991-Red, Jason Raymond, New Richmond

7. Pine-Circle Dman Exclusive, Bradley Chandler, Rice Lake

8. (1JR) Frisle-Vue Jt Ashlyn-Red-ET, Justyne and Regina Frisle, Prairie Farm

Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Probert A Bree-Emma-Red, Makayla Weyer, Woodville

Intermediate Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Ali-Star Prime Saige, Alison Grulke, Mayville

Four-Year-Old (6)

1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Marshland Demps Bridezilla, Hailey Lundgren, Cushing

2. Budjon-Vail Dmnd Bck Sushi, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

3. Ms Nova Doorman Bazil-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

4. Hodglynn Unix LastChance, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

5. Flambeau-Manor Nutjob, Gary Van Doorn, Tony

6. Hardscrabble Dback Golden, Hardscrabble Farms, Jim Falls

Five-Year-Old (6)

1. Hodglynn Gold Doris-ET, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

2. (B&O) Nova Olympian Abilou-ET, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

3. Our-Favorite Enshrine-ET, Todd and Mary Stanek, Fall Creek

4. Crisdhome Atwood Countdown, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

5. (1JR) Errolea Doorman Baltimore, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

6. (2JR) Wils Gold Dback Rochele-Red, Rachel Skinner, Glenwood City

Six-Year-Old and Older Cow (6)

1. (B&O, BU) Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

2. (1JR) Vriesdale Control Bethany, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

3. Crisdhome Gchip Everglade, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

4. Hup-Bro Casual P 1581, Albedarned Dairy, Baldwin

5. Willows-Edge Glauco Leisure, Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond

6. Nova Mccutchen Mavan, Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

150,000-Pound Cow (1)

1. (BU) Arethusa Gc Valesca-ET, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Triple-HH Defiant Frigid, Brooke Hammann, Barron

Senior and Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Vriesdale Control Bethany, Derek, Landon and Lane Van Dyk, New Richmond

Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Marshland Demps Bridezilla, Hailey Lundgren, Cushing

Senior Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Hodglynn Gold Doris-ET, Chris Van Dyk, New Richmond

Grand Champion, Best Udder and Champion Bred & Owned of the Show: Crisdhome Atw Doctorcherry, Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond

Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Crisdhome Dback Ruby-Red, Jake Kruschke, New Richmond

Best Three

1. Crisdhome, New Richmond

Dam and Offspring

1. Nova Registered Holsteins, New Richmond

2. Triple-HH, Barron

3. Cook Family, Barron

Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor: Crisdhome Farm, New Richmond


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