2022 District 8 Holstein Show
Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson
Judge: Kyle Demmer
102 head (75 heifers, 27 cows)
Spring Calf, exhibitors 10 and under (6)
1. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Mo So Fine-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
2. (2JR) Spoke-N-Four Mo Coffee-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
3. (3JR) Miss Summer Tease, Landon and Mylie Wendorf and Christian Sachse, Ixonia
4. (4JR) Ledge-Way Awe Twilight-Red, Kendra Kienast and Danica Schraufnagel, Mayville
5. Big-D-Acres Gchip Becca 435, Dustin Melius, Slinger
6. Spk-Lane Dreambig Encanto, Kylene Anderson, Fort Atkinson
Spring Calf (7)
1. Blexys Jagger Billie Jean-ET, Rocco Cunningham, Lomira
2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Mo So Fine-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
3. (2JR) Spoke-N-Four Mo Coffee-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
4. Ms Lacys Limelight-Red-ET, G & L Wendorf and A, A & J Van de Pol, Ixonia
5. (3JR) Ehrke Kiana Derby Nybrandi, Ella Falk, Grant Schneider and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson
6. Crave Sidekick Jezebel, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
7. Crave Perfect Glitz 14281, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
Winter Calf (18)
1. (B&O) Blexys Thndr Bombshell-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
2. (1JR) Riverdown Chief Jellyroll, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford
3. Blexys Thndr Betty White-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
4. Budjon-Vail Jagger Aanya-ET, Budjon and Heartland Farms, Lomira
5. (2JR) Ledge-Way Luxor Godiva, Kendra Kienast and Danica Schraufnagel, Mayville
6. Nehls-Valley Lambda Radar, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
7. (3JR) Erhke Izolla Derby Mammela, Grant Schneider, Ella Falk and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson
8. Ms Thunderstorm Wake Up-ET, Jonathan Held, Iron Ridge
9. Stjor Saturday Night Live-ET, Richard Denier, Lomira
10. Ms Sid Blexy Slam Dunk-ET, Heartland Farms and Ross Risner, Lomira
(JrB&O) Spoke-N-Four Movin Taffy-ET, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
Fall Calf (17)
1. Kress-Hill Snooky-Red-ET, Budjon Farms and Michael and Jessica Oliver, Lomira
2. Blexys Chief Bloody Mary, Joey and Laurie Airosa, Lomira
3. (B&O) Ms Sid Blexy Sandy Beach-ET, Budjon Farms, Lomira
4. (1JR) Elmlo Thunderstruck Elixir, Jayden and Cora Schmidt, Richfield
5. Crave Duplo 13924, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
6. Mystik-Kreek Harmony-Red, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford
7. (2JR) Nehls-Valley Ts Lovestruck, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford
8. Ms Sid Blexy Selma Blair-ET, Budjon Farms and Heartland Farms, Lomira
9. Gr-Acres Unix Realyn, Rebekah, Ben and Paul Giese, Mayville
10. Mar-Linda-K Amarillo-Red-ET, Mar-Linda-K Holsteins, Johnson Creek
Summer Yearling (11)
1. (1JR) Riverdown Tatoo Diablo-ET, Kylie Nickels, Lomira
2. (B&O) Crave Sidekick Leanne, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
3. Smith-Crest Hot Vision, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
4. (2JR, JrB&O) SS-Star Halabackgirl-Red, Samantha Pitterle, Hartford
5. (3JR) Clearfield Sdkik Apeal, Mya and William Digangi, Jackson
6. Lakeshore Master Emotion-ET, Molly Olstad, Hustisford
7. Luck-E Analyst Sky-Red, Matthew Sternman, Hartford
8. Krull Hot Charolette-Red, Carley Krull, Lake Mills
9. Pauly-G Select Arizona, Paul Grulke, Mayville
10. Bujon-Vail Chif Harmony-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
Spring Yearling (6)
1. Eastside Lambda Hattie, Dave Dyment, Lomira
2. (1JR, B&O, JrB&O) Miss Splash of Harmony, Landon and Mylie Wendorf and Christian Sachse, Ixonia
3. Miss Brea, Alison and Cassandra Grulke, Mayville
4. Bohn-Valley Warrior Camille, Aaron and Marissa Bohn, Watertown
5. Budjon-Vail Dlam Andover-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
6. (2JR) Ehrke Jamela Tat Mazbola-ET, Ella Frank, Grant Schneider and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson
Winter Yearling (5)
1. (B&O) Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET, Budjon, Vail and Cunningham, Lomira
2. (1JR) Crave Upgrade 13435, Sara Skalitzky, Waterloo
3. Ruann Doorman Jean-A-ETN, R-John Holsteins, Lomira
4. Bur-Wall Artisan Aubry-Red, Wallace Behnke, Brooklyn
5. (2JR) Sddotte Drman Brandy, Isabelle Anderson, Fort Atkinson
Fall Yearling (4)
1. (1JR) Budjon-Vail S Dotty West-ET, Emma Paulson, Columbus
2. (2JR) Vanity Dback Tijuana-Red, Matthew and Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford
3. (3JR, B&O, JrB&O) Digangi Conclusion Grenade, Mya and William Digangi, Jackson
4. (4JR) Ehrke Jamela Tat Lezola-ET, Ella Frank, Grant Schnieder and Callie Draves, Fort Atkinson
5. Go-Big Warrior Envy Me, Benjamin Buske, Hustisford
Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Riverdown Tatoo Diablo-ET exhibited by Kylie Nickels, Lomira
Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show: Riverdown Chief Jellyroll exhibited by Matthew and Elizbeth Gunst, Hartford
Junior Champion: Blexys Kngdoc Brilliant-ET, Budjon, Vail and Cunningham, Lomira
Reserve Junior Champion of the Show: Blexys Thndr Bombshell-ET, Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
Junior Best Three (2)
1. Peter Vail & Budjon Farms, Lomira
2. Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
Junior 2-Year-Old (3)
1. (B&O, BU) Nehls-Valley Hancock Fidgit, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
2. Smith-Crest Denver Briley, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
3. (1JR) Northcrest Tatoo 3733, Ian, Marissa, Finn and Malcolm Spoke, Waterloo
Senior 2-Year-Old (3)
1. (BU) R-D-S D-Back Draconian, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
2. Voigtscrest Undenied Sky, Matthew Sternman, Hartford
3. (B&O) Bohnview Defiant Bella, Daniel Bohn, Watertown
Junior 3-Year-Old (3)
1. (B&O), BU) Nehls-Valley Sidekick Sisco, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustiford
2. Nehls-Valley Lil Love-Red, Gene Nehls, Hustisford
3. (1JR) Sunny-Valley C Firecracker, Kendra Kienast and Danica Schraufnagel, Mayville
Senior 3-Year-Old (7)
1. (1JR, B&O, BU) Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
2. Warmka Dback 2895-Red-ET, Brant Flier and Andrew Buiter, Waupun
3. Sun-Made Crave Jby Jazz-ET, Crave Brothers Farm, Waterloo
4. Mar-Linda-K Anticipation-Red, Kayla Wright, Johnson Creek
5. (2JR, JrB&O) Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills
6. Milgene Splendid Slam Jam, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford
7. Budjon-Vail Southern Styl-ET, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Junior Show: Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills
Intermediate Champion of the Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
Reserve Intermediate Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Hancock Fidgit, Shawn and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
4-Year-Old (7)
1. (B&O, BU) Milgene Diamond in the Rough, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford
2. Mar-Linda-K Diamond Rae-ET, Mar-Linda-K Holsteins, Johnson Creek
3. Nehls-Valley Imac Secret, Shawn Nehls, Hustisford
4. Rockycrest Unix Storm, Jonathan Held, Iron Ridge
5. (1JR) Dcac Jordy Snow Princess, Abbey Tollakson, Janesville
6. Hilrose Integral Actress, Brant Flier, Waupun
7. (2JR, JrB&O) Digangi Defiant Lucky-Red, Mya Digangi, Jackson
5-Year-Old (2)
1. (B&O, BU) Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
2. Gold-Barbara D Bettina-ET, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
6-Year-Old and Older (2)
1. (BU) Danhof Armani Shania-Red, Smithcrest Holsteins, Watertown
2. (1JR, B&O) Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
150,000 lb. Cow (0)
Champion Bred & Owned of the Junior Show: Brand-New Jordy Pickles-Red, Katie Brandel, Lake Mills
Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
Reserve Senior Champion of the Junior Show: Dcac Jordy Snow Princess, Abbey Tollakson, Janesville
Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
Reserve Grand Champion of the Junior Show: Milgene Just A Game-ET, Ariona, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt
Senior Champion of the Show: Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
Reserve Senior Champion of the Show: Milgene Diamond in the Rough, Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford
Grand Champion, Best Udder and Best Bred & Owned of the Show: Nehls-Valley Union Lookout, Gene and Seth Nehls, Hustisford
Reserve Grand Champion of the Show: Milgene Denver Royal Royale, Tianda and Treyton Hildebrandt, Hustisford
Best Three Females (2)
1. Nehls Valley Farm, Hustisford
2. Hildebrandt Family Farm, Hustisford
Premier Breeder and Exhibitor: Nehls Valley Farm, Hustisford